Red Alert. Not The Game.

Posted by Unknown On Friday, January 11, 2013 2 comments
The blog title says it all. Check it out. For obvious reasons, silence is the way.

Link Number 2 which is paved the way to the situation in Link Number 1.

Link Number 3 Very important so please read. Yes, I have also done the same. And no, I am not cuckoo.

If you want to comment for this post, please email me at writetomws at hush dot ai. 


2 comments to Red Alert. Not The Game.

  1. says:

    1. light MWS,

    Try this (in relation to link no.2).

  1. says:

    2. light MWS,

    Sorry for the late reply. Just saw this msg. Haven't been checking the email for a long time.

    Thanks for the link. i had read this article earlier. Good analysis.

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