The Natural Way for Whiter Teeth

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 0 comments
There are many weird home remedies that people use for whiter teeth. Here are some common ones which you might want to try for whiter teeth.

Oil ‘em up
Our own traditional medicine – the Ayurveda – has a simple home remedy for whiter teeth in the form of oil pulling. It not only whitens the teeth but also detoxifies and cleanses the body. This simple and inexpensive technique involves rinsing your mouth with oil! Take a tablespoon of oil (sesame, coconut, etc.) in your mouth early in the morning on an empty stomach. Gargle and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes ensuring to cover all corners of your mouth. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Practice this every morning and your teeth are sure to sparkle.

Go bananas
You probably know the health benefits of banana. But did you know that the banana peel could possibly help your teeth sparkle too? Rub the white inside part a banana peel on your teeth. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse. Banana peel is a good source of minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc. It’s a good antioxidant and is also rich in carbohydrates and fibre.

Good ol’ tulsi
You can either use dried, powdered leaves of the holy basil as it is or mix it with mustard oil/ orange peel powder for brushing your teeth. The highly valued holy basil (tulsi) is known to protect against bleeding gums and also increase the whiteness of the teeth.

Go back to the basics
Charcoal of babul wood mixed with roasted alum and rock salt can be used as toothpowder for teeth whitening. The twigs of the babul (acacia or gum Arabic) tree have long been used as disposable toothbrushes and are useful in arresting gum bleeding and strengthening loose teeth. Charcoal’s adsorption quality makes it a good cleansing agent.

Root it out
Chew on the roots of banyan (bargad) tree to keep your teeth pearly white. The aerial roots of the banyan tree are also another source of disposable toothbrushes. The astringent property of the roots helps whiten the teeth.

Fight ‘em with vinegar
Gargling with apple cider vinegar is very effective in brightening your smile. It is known not only to remove stains to whiten teeth but also to kill the gum disease causing bacteria in your mouth. But avoid excess use as it may weaken the enamel.


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