Can Smartphones Make Young People Emotionally Stunted?

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, August 24, 2014 0 comments

  • Are smartphones making young people emotionally stunted? Communicating through emoticons is causing them to become socially awkward, experts warn
  • Young kids are glued to electronic devices for nearly 5 hours each day
  • In a study, 11 to 12-year-olds who went 5 days without looking at an electronic screen were better at reading human emotions than their friends
  • Scientists claim emoticons are a poor substitute for human communication: 'We are social creatures,' they said. 'We need device-free time'

It's the generation that can understand exactly how you're feeling through a few simple emoticons.

But now researchers claim that children are now so engrossed in their phones, they are unable to accurately read how people are feeling in real-life.

This is the result of less face-to-face time interaction, according to the study, which found young kids are glued to electronic devices for nearly five hours each day.

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