Posted by Unknown On Monday, February 22, 2010 34 comments
In the tropical forest of La-la-land, there lived three little kancils who had nothing but mutual respect for each other. They enjoyed their tranquil and peaceful life living in harmony with their environment.

Using the resources from their tropical haven, each of them built a beautiful home for themselves. One built a house of rare but strong lallang while another constructed a house of sticks. The third one created a house of dung, clay and all kinds of grass and creepers shaped into bricks and baked in a small kiln. When they were finished, the three little kancils were satisfied with their handiwork and home so they settled down and lived in peace and self-determination.

Tragically, their idyllic haven was soon shattered most unexpectedly. One hot and humid day, a big bad wolf descended upon them with expansionist ideas.

WOLF Pictures, Images and Photos

He saw the well-fattened kancils and grew very hungry physically and ideologically.

When the three little kancils saw the wolf, they ran helter skelter and sought refuge in the house of lallang.

The wolf ran up to the house and banged on the door, shouting, "Hello there, little kancils! It's only me - Mr. Wolfy Wolf! Please let me in! It is terribly hot out here and I need a glass of cold water."

The kancils shouted back, "Your deceitful tactics will not beguile us and we have united to defend our homes and culture."

Aha! Big bad wolves do not give up easily - especially when it came to servile and delicate-looking kancils no matter how much muscle they had. The wolf was adamant that the three little kancils must not deny him of what he thought to be his manifest destiny. So he huffed and puffed and blew down the house of lallang. The frightened kancils ran to the house of sticks, with the wolf in hot pursuit.

wolf, fangs, angry, rabid Pictures, Images and Photos

Sadly, where the house had stood, Mr. Wolfy had already put Plan A into action. Other wolves bought up the land from him and started an oil palm plantation.They grew richer and richer as they took the land from the kancils and other living creatures of La-La-Land.

At the house of sticks, the wolf again banged on the door and shouted, "Little, kancils, little darlings, let me in! Don't be shy! It's only me, Mr. Wolfy Wolf."

The three little kancils shouted back, "Go and see your Maker, you evil, idiotic, carnivorous, imperialistic oppressor!"

At this, the enraged wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks. The kancils ran to the house of bricks, with the wolf chased them so closely at their heels until they could smell his bad breath even though they were in the lead.

One of them turned back and gasped. Where the house of sticks had stood, Mr. Wolf had already put Plan B into place. Other evil wolves built a time-share condo resort complex for vacationing wolves, with each unit a fibreglass reconstruction of the house of sticks, as well as native curio shops, snorkeling in man-made lakes and tiger shows.

At the house of bricks, the wolf again banged on the door and shouted, "Little kancils, little kancils, please let me in! I am old and weary and this is not the way for a good wolf like me to die."

This time in response, the pigs sang solidarity songs and wrote letters of protest to the United Nations. They also hung banners (written in proper English) to express their outrage.

Protecting Animals in Democracy LOGO Pictures, Images and Photos

By now the wolf was getting angry at the kancils' refusal to see the situation from the carnivore's point of view. So he huffed and puffed, and huffed and puffed, then grabbed his chest and fell over dead from a massive heart attack brought on from eating too many fatty foods. The three little kancils rejoiced that justice had triumphed and did a little dance around the corpse of the wolf.

Their next step was to liberate their homeland from this idiotic Mr. Wolfy Wolf and his band of bandit wolves who did not even bother to disguise themselves with sheep's clothing!

They gathered together a band of other kancils who had been forced off their lands the same way that Mr. Wolfy Wolf had launched his assault on them. This new brigade of heroic kancils attacked the resort complex Terminator-style with the latest artillery sponsored by Steven Spileberg and other wealthy kancils living in richer and more peaceful lands from afar. Their wonderful machine-guns and rocket launchers annihilated the cruel wolf oppressors, sending a clear signal to the rest of the hemisphere not to meddle in their internal affairs. Then the kancils set up a model democractic tropical jungle with free education, universal health care and affordable housing for everyone.

* This IS a fairy tale after all.:-)

Please note: The wolf and kancils in this story is a metaphorical construct. No actual wolves or kancils were harmed in the writing of the story. Any resemblance to any living creature big or small, dead or alive or yet to be born is a pure coincidence. :-) This is a work of humour, satire and parody. That means the statements and information contained in these pages are by no means fact, and are offered solely as comedy material or as individual opinion.

Do leave a comment for I would love to hear your views. Thanks! Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Village Boy The secret power of unity is strength!

  1. says:

    Anonymous The three little kancils' beautiful homes remind me of Khir Toyo's palatial mansion.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Exactly the message that I was trying to send across to readers!

    Thanks so much for reading and for your timely response. Take care and enjoy the rest of the evening.

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Anonymous The kancils became pigs and then became kancils again at the end of the tale.

    This must be due to inflation and deflation?

    Or is this a Freudian slip?


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.18 pm

    Thanks for visiting and reading my fairy tale.:-)

    Actually, the homes of the three little kancils were not opulent or palatial. Instead, the homes of the other evil wolves that took over the land of the kancils were the ones that were rich, palatial and magnificent with the latest technology and design :-).

    Take care and thanks for reading.

    Do keep in touch. Have a lovely evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.31 pm

    Oh dear! My deepest apologies. I fashioned my tale after The Three Little Pigs but changed it to Kancils for two reasons:

    a) pigs - politically incorrect as I could offend Muslim readers.

    b) kancils - more Malaysian :-)

    *blushes* I have corrected it already.

    So sorry - indeed it is because this old lady is not as agile mentally.

    Thanks for the alert!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Just imagine:

    The pigs sang solidarity songs and wrote letters of protest to the United Nations. They also hung banners (written in proper English) to express their outrage.

    Don't play, play!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.45 p.m.

    :-) Some people want to protest but their banners reflect their poor mastery of English!! :-)

    Indeed, we cannot play play when under public scrutiny such as in a protest :-).


  1. says:

    QQ No matter what the difficulty or situation, it is vital to stand up and face it with a sense of responsibility.

    If the cause is right and just, stand up and fight for it.
    We need to exhibit even greater unity from now on, and proudly speak up for what is correct!

  1. says:

    Monyet King MWS, do you mind telling us what is the real name of the wolf ?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Exactly! Thanks for your words of courage and exhortation.

    We have to unite and march forward to fight for a just and right cause.

    Indeed unity is MOST important at this stage, when the assault is getting heavier from without and within.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Anonymous People with poor mastery of English?
    Aren't they the by-products of PPSMI?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Dr. Bala

    The wolf is a metaphorical figure and I have made it such that there are allusions to different characters at different parts of the tale.

    The wolf in this part:
    Other wolves bought up the land from him and started an oil palm plantation.They grew richer and richer as they took the land from the kancils and other living creatures of La-La-Land. is a very old wolf indeed :-).

    The one who grew hungry physically and ideologically could actually refer to a few persons :-).

    The one who built the condos is a very rich man. And it could also be the same person who appeared again in the later part of the story.

    What do you think???

    Thanks for reading and for your honest response. :-)

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.39 p.m.

    :-) And now kids have to take up a sport :-).

    What a joke! I wonder what will happen if a foreign coach says,

    Food for thought.

    Take care.

    Are you IWC?

    Thanks for sharing.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Unity or Discipline?

    Perhaps, Pakatan leaders can enlighten us on this.

  1. says:

    earlybird Planet of the Monyets.

    As this story describes a hypothetical situation we may apply a hypothetical identity to the wolf....the choice is ours...who do you suggest for the role of Mr Wolf...hypothetically speaking...of course.

  1. says:

    Anonymous The Malaysian education system is a crap!
    A dark day for Malaysia's education system!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.46 p.m.

    Both are needed simbiotically. If there is no discipline, there can be no unity. If there is no unity, discipline will spark off cracks.

    Thanks for sharing your view. Take care and have a restful evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Early Bird

    Lovely to see you here again. Thanks for swinging by to read and to share your thoughts. Take care and have a good rest.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.56 p.m.

    Sighs. I agree.

    This morning, I wanted to do a post on the sports move in the new curriculum change.

    I decided it was far too depressing than the DSAI case so I wrote "Martyring the Man" instead.

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Anonymous :-) And now kids have to take up a sport :-).

    An excellent idea!

    Malaysia will soon be able to produce world class athletes..

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.15 p.m.

    We had world class athletes years ago before the rot set in...before foreign coaches or technology etc.

    Now, we have an education system where kids cannot even communicate fluently in English or think logically and have fallen behind in so many areas.

    What a colossal waste of public funds! What is needed is a major overhaul and not more expenditure for white elephant-like programs.

    Saddening...and so down down down to the pits we go...

  1. says:

    Tak Malu Kids cannot even communicate fluently in English?
    Surprising? To me, not at all!

    Just look around, we have bunches of teachers who are like those kids, too!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    Agree! I have seen grammatical errors in a few English exam papers of four primary schools where I live.


    When I used to lecture, each exam paper had to be vetted by three other lecturers and then the Head of Department.

    I wonder if they have this in schools.


  1. says:

    Anonymous We really need to review the methods and manner of teaching English in the Malaysian schools, colleges and even universities.

  1. says:

    Great Parents, teachers and education groups are split over an Education Ministry plan to retain students who are unable to master the 3Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic) in the first three years of primary education.

    Well, another 'wonderful' idea!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.55p.m.

    A resounding YAY to your statement.

    We all know what needs to be done. The question is whether those who could make a difference are ready to do it.

    This year, the Edu Ministry changed the syllabus for the Form 4 Literature Component. The current list of short stories and poems is sooooooooo easy compared to the ones used for the last 7 years or so.

    And why? *throat clearing* Some students could not cope with the previous list!!!

    Does it mean that when standards have gone down, we lower standards to accommodate the disgraceful standards that arose because of the wonderful syllabus and training given to the staff to impart knowledge and to develop language proficiency?

    Sighs. Sorry for the rant. This is one of the reasons why I opted for an early retirement from lecturing.

    I am unemployed but saner, happier and at peace with myself.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Great

    You see, they have to appear as though they are doing work and undertaking damage control for our good.

    Such is the irony of life here.

    And who suffers in the short run and long run?

    Do they care?

    Tsk tsk tsk....

    They do. But for whom?

  1. says:

    Anonymous iwc : NO, aku bukan anon 9.39!

  1. says:

    ahoo Our former generations were doing alright together until these bad wolves (recent migrants, converts etc.) came along and took all of us for a ride.

    They know how to make themselves relevant and with that they dance with the older wolves. Give me a wolf, I will dine for a day and get me all those wolves, I will party for a lifetime.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi IWC

    Okok thanks for the clarification.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Excellent comment! Thanks so much for reading into the satire.

    I appreciate that you jived with me in this one!

    Take care and thanks for sharing your view and for your support.

    God bless!

  1. says:

    Anonymous how did the kancils become pigs near the end of the story :)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Anon @ 12.48pm

    LOL!!! Actually, I based the tale on the 3 little pigs...and changed to kancils to avoid offending people...forgot to change the last part!!! So sorry!!! Old already!

    My apologies to you and to other readers. Thanks for the alert!


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