Being Positive

Posted by Unknown On Monday, September 20, 2010 16 comments
It has been very tough for me. Why? UPSR!!!! My son will begin his UPSR exams tomorrow. *hyperventilate* I am stressed because I did nothing to prepare him except to prepare his meals and the usual chauffeuring and house-cleaning chores.

Perhaps I am gripped by a sense of guilt.

Should I have policed him very rigidly and checked every book he worked on independently?

*sighs* Much as I feel uncomfortable and insecure tonight, I do believe I did the right thing from the time he was a toddler.

He started eating on his own at 15 months. Strangely, he was a very neat boy. As he sat in his high chair, he would point to the table when he spilled a tiny drop of cereal mixture. And then if he dirtied his mouth, he would point to his lips and call me, "Mama...mama...dirty!"

I solved the problem by always giving him a napkin on the right (for him to wipe his mouth) and a table-cloth on his left for him to wipe the table :-). It worked pretty well and both of us were happy that there were no spills or thrills.

When he was about 18 months old, he insisted on having his bath on his own. Yippee! Of course, I stood and watched and gave directions :-).

Soon, the time came for him to go to nursery. It was a breeze. I took him to the school once and on his first day, I just dropped him at the gate and he walked in on his own.

When he entered Year 1, I was there only on Day 1 and left went he found his seat. Then, I made sure he got on the correct school bus. From Day 2, he went to school on his own by the school bus and I have to confess that he prepares everything (his school bag, homework, lunch-box and by Std. 2 even his breakfast all on his own.

Like what I wrote before, I never ever opened any of his exercise books, never questioned any of teachers and so far, have only been to three of the six parent-teacher consultations. The other three were attended by his dad :-).

He learnt how to cook when he was five and could whip up a meal of three dishes by the time he was in Std 4 (have blogged about it with pics too), even to the extent of learning how to make hokkien mee. Indeed, he has been a blessing to my family and I know it is by the grace of God he turned out this way because I prayed for him specifically (in many areas) every single day of my pregnancy.

It is the eve of the UPSR. The whole day has been a jittery one for both of us. High anxiety and both of us tried to destress via eating!!! I remember how I also put on weight when my older boy had his UPSR and PMR :-).

At this point of time, I do not know what he knows or what he does not know. I wish I did. :-)

He does not want me to know either.

I just have to put my trust in God and believe that he will be alright and He will guide and bless him. Fortunately, my boy had a shot of confidence as his violin teacher gave him the good news that he scored a distinction for his Grade 7 ABRSM violin exam.

A school-mate whom I have not seen for over twenty years recently reconnected with me via Facebook. Her son is taking the PSLE in Singapore and she sent me such two warm and most encouraging emails. Her sincerity and inspiring messages really touched the very core of my being. Truly, there are many angels in human form. Thanks, Lean Kim, for your love, concern, prayers and encouragement.

To those of you who have children taking the UPSR tomorrow, may God fill your child's heart with peace and may God bless them richly as they take the exam tomorrow.

To my dearest son, I love you very much and believe in you. May God bless and guide you and may you always be filled with the peace that passes all understanding.

Here's one of my favorite slides on THE ART OF BEING POSITIVE. CLICK HERE to view it.

Have a restful evening and sweet dreams.

*If you have problems leaving a comment in my blog via Firefox, it could be due to an add-on called Ghostery that blocks trackers such as my Feedjit in your browser. You can comment via Chrome or Internet Explorer. Thanks to Witso who told me of this.

16 comments to Being Positive

  1. says:

    Anonymous UPSR = you parents sangat resah (exam)!
    PMR = parents memang risau !
    SPM = silly parental mare !
    STPM = stupid mare !!

  1. says:

    Anonymous wow , 18-month old can bathe sendiri ? mine is still sucking dummy teats lah !!

  1. says:

    bayi I don't think there's anything to worry about, MWS. My wife and I were teachers and though we had high expectations from our children we made a deliberate decision to teach them to study correctly and then made ourselves available when they approached us with problems related to their studies. They both did reasonably well. Your son will do well, from what I read in your blog!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon #1

    Thanks! Haha! Very creative acronyms. Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 2

    :-) Both my boys did not suck dummies. The older one sucked his thumb till he was five! The younger one was ok, very independent till today, sometimes, too independent hehe :-).

    Having children is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. At the same time, it can be very trying as well for we never know what may happen.

    When they are babies, we worry about their milk intake. At school, we worry about their exams. As adults, we worry about their choice of partners LOL and later on, we worry about our grandkids LOL!!

    I hope to survive till then!

    Take care and may God bless you and your children always! Do keep in touch and thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear bayi

    Thank you very much for your reassuring and encouraging message. I truly appreciate your kindness and encouragement. I was highly strung with my older one and fortunately, he turned out well in the end and will graduate next year. With the younger one, I took a different approach having learnt from my shortcomings and I did like what you and your wife did too. I pray all will be well. It makes a difference when they take responsibility for their own learning and academic inclinations.

    Take care and may God bless you and your family always. Do keep in touch.

    Have a wonderful day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous If we are not being Positve;
    We are being Negative;
    With negative Mindset;
    Every thought in our mind is Preset;
    That leads to many emotional Drama;
    But to some they said it is just bad Karma;
    Nay, in life everyone is given the same time and Day;
    What you do with it will determine how you feel Today.

    If we are not being Positive;
    We are just being Passive;
    Will laze around and waste the day without a Care;
    Only to realise too late that life passes us by without Fanfare;
    For unto each one is given the choice of free Will;
    In failure, no point crying to the Hill;
    Blame not anyone when you are poor and in Sorrow;
    For there is no promise of a better Tomorrow.

    If we are not being Positive;
    You are not being Proactive;
    Good opportunity they said comes once in a Lifetime;
    It will be offered to others for them to Shine;
    For it is not race based and it does not Discriminate;
    Neither will it Manipulate;
    Our worth is measured by those opportunity Taken;
    To be rich or poor it is the choices we have Chosen.

    If we are not being Positive;
    We may end up being Unappreciative;
    To the many wonders of Creation;
    That was specifically designed with great Passion;
    Every single item is a perfect Masterpiece;
    For all He asked for was that we be Submissive;
    To honour and respect others as He had Intended;
    And to live a life that is worthy as He had Covenanted.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Wow!! That is an awesome poem. Did you write that??? Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring piece. Take care and God bless your ever giving heart!!


  1. says:

    Anonymous All the above is an original piece from my poetic mind during inspirational moment. The following is extracted from a poster in my office :


    You : It's impossible
    God : All things are possible

    You : I'm too tired
    God : I will give you rest

    You : Nobody really loves me
    God : I love you

    You : I can't figure things out
    God : I will direct your steps

    You : I can't do it
    God : You can do all things through me

    You : I'm not able
    God : I am able

    You : I can't forgive myself
    God : I forgive you

    You : I can't manage
    God : I will supply all your needs

    You : I'm afraid
    God : I have not given you a spirit of fear

    You : I'm always worried & frustrated
    God : Cast all your cares on me

    You : I'm not smart enough
    God : I give you wisdom

    You : I feel all alone
    God : I will never leave you nor forsake you

    May those in need be blessed by the above word of God.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Amen !!

  1. says:

    Shirene Thank goodness for people like you, raising amazing kids!The world needs more of you. I'm much more older than your son but I'm going to my violin exam next year, grade7 is definitely not that easy, in fact, it's quite hard for me =D . Congratulations on getting a distinction!
    Also, I have been stalking your blog for sometime now, and finally got the guts to download an action or two (or more)
    And I have to say a big THANK YOU! Your blog posts are amazing, thanks for sharing!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Shirene

    *blush* I am humbled by your comment...Thank you so much, Shirene, for reading my gila blog and for your warm, kind and sincere comment! Where are you? My older boy also gives violin lessons :-) but he is not home with us :-(...

    Yup - Grade 7 is not easy. Nick missed his distinction for his Grade 7 piano...All the best to you for your music career and lessons.

    My blog posts are not amazing like 'unplugged' cos I write on anything LOL!!! That is my way of destressing as a bored housewife :-). It is my pleasure to share :-) and I appreciate your input which has touched my heart.

    Take care and please keep in touch!!! Lovely to meet you. God bless you and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Shirene Wow,grade7 for both piano and violin at the age of 12! That's amazing! I passed my piano exam with merit few years back when I was 16.

    Your blog to a certain extent could broaden my knowledge. I like the fact that I've learned so much by just reading it.
    But, my dad always told me that there's no replacement for true expertise, experience and knowledge that comes from working, studying and perfecting my craft. I can only learn so much by reading. At some point, I have to start doing.

    I guess this is what my dad called as 'book smarts' vs. 'street smarts'.

    Thanks Masterwordsmith, same goes to you. Btw, I'm in KL. Reading your blog posts cheered me up from an otherwise mundane day at school (ps: I like the jokes!) =D Keep up the good work! (More humor jokes!) Haha! Take care.

    Peace and blessings,

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    Thanks for sharing that inspiring verse...Very beautiful indeed!

    Take care and have a blessed evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon

    Thank you for your Amen!

    God bless and keep you always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Shirene

    You are a rare gem and indeed a wonderful testimony of your parents' fantastic parenting skills.

    It is also rare that a young person of your age can write so fluently and with much depth and maturity. Do you blog?

    I hope to meet you one day. Thanks for the kind and encouraging comments about my blog :-).

    Have been having the usual writer's block for the past two days and hope to swing back by tomorrow :-).

    Take care and have a wonderful week. God bless you and yours. Do keep in touch!


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