And That's The Way It Goes..

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, May 11, 2011 5 comments
Life. What is life? Is life about being born? Going through the rigmarole of the education system, graduating, getting a job, a wife, a house, a family, grandchildren and then facing the sunset either alone or with your loved ones?

To be honest, since hitting the big five four months ago, these questions have plagued my mind. When I meet my friends, we compare cholesterol levels, blood pressure readings when it used to be investments and before that - our children's progress in schools.

My memory faileth me and I write to keep sane and mentally agile. Yet, I am as human as all of you out there.

Ageing is not a very pleasant process. We cope with white hair, weight gain/loss, menopause, arthritis, rheumatism, loneliness and a host of many other issues.

Yesterday, Evelyn sent me the following write up and today, Dr Edward sent me this link. So timely. Just after watching the youtube video, I had a brief google chat with another friend who was feeling as though life is ebbing away.

We all have our moments,dear readers. We have our ups and our downs.

But most of all, we still have our lives!! And for those of you who are believers, you still have your God!

Fret not, worry not...view this very inspiring video clip that Dr Edward sent to me earlier this afternoon. Shed a tear or two and be inspired. Thanks for sharing, Dr Edward!

< allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="349" src="" width="425">

Thanks to Evelyn for sharing the following post!

~You read 100 pages into a book before you realize you've read it.

~Notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!!

~What used to be freckles are now liver spots.

~Everybody whispers.

~Now that your husband has retired ... you'd give anything if he'd find a job!

~You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet ... 2 of which you will never wear.

~~~~But old is good in some things: old songs, old movies,

And best of all, OLD FRIENDS!!

Love you, "OLD FRIEND!"

Send this on to other "Old Friends!" and let them laugh in AGREEMENT!!!

And that is the way it is...LIFE - LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST!!!

5 comments to And That's The Way It Goes..

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Old movies always make me cry.....har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    Unknown My dear Angelina,

    Ahhh we are in the same boat then!

    *passing tissues to Angelina*

    Am sure your mama would take you on a road trip like that if she could!

    Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    walla We know the Stradivarius is the king of violins. The best in its family of hundreds are the tens or twenties with perfect tonality.

    However that unique quality degrades unless the violin is taken out regularly from its case and played. As though it is alive.

    To make one, Stradivari bought wood from the Apennines that had floated down the river. He bought it wet. That opened its pores. Then he soaked it for years in his secret solution. No one has been able to deduce the right combination of the sea salt, borax, fruit gum, quartz and ground venetian glass used. The sea salt acted as a base for the borax to tighten the wood, the ground quartz and glass prevented it from being eaten by woodworms and the fruit gum worked as a fungicide.

    But there was another secret. It was the special varnish he had used. That varnish might appear to the naked eye to be smooth but under a high-powered microscope, it has millions and millions of tiny cracks. It is these cracks which absorb the harsh vibrations and dampen the resonances so that only the most perfect of tones could come out.

    Even if one destroys a Stradivarius to analyze its combination, we still cannot replicate another Stradivarius. The wood was unique to its age and blending. So was the master's touch.

    Each of us is a stradivarius in the making. When we are born to our particular grain of wood, we are already special in its pattern. As we get fortified by nutrition, learning, experience and worldview, our strength and timbre grow.

    But we must each of us face up bravely to our own parcel of harshness from life that will surely come to everyone. How much of the perfect tonality we add to the store of humanity will ultimately depend on how well we can absorb the harshness that comes with living.

    Some argue that if we detach ourselves completely, then we can damnpen that harshness and quicken our achievement of perfect tonality. But in the very process of doing so, we may find that we will also be losing something special that defines our individual uniqueness.

    A Stradivarius is a stradivarius only because it has to overcome the imperfections of nature, nurture and life. How one overcomes pain and sorrow helps to define how one learns about life enough to coast from today into tomorrow. And then, perhaps, gain an insight into that something.

    Indeed there will always be a sense of emptiness in the end. Let us accept it as the lot of mankind. For that matter, other species of the living kingdom.

    But let me guess you would also have gained conviction that something special has to exist despite such a sad situation for all. That something special has been deposited inside each of us. It is the perfect tonality that reaches to come out because it wants to create heavenly music despite all the challenges hurled across our paths. Like a lark learning how to sing its first and last song.

    Stradivari, the maker of fine violins, made them to live but only when played. If even a violin can be alive, so too must we. We too must play the game of life. If only to contribute to the collective sound that will soothe this tired world.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Angelina


    Yes, me too!!!

    Take care and have a great weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walla

    I am so sorry I forgot to respond to your beautiful comment which resonates deeply with me cos both my boys are violinists.

    I hope you do not mind if I repost this in my blog.

    Take care and thanks so much for such a touching response! Stay in touch!

    Have a great weekend!


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