Obituary - Beng

Posted by Unknown On Monday, May 2, 2011 2 comments
My dear readers,

With much sadness, I regret to inform you all that one of my blog readers and friend, Beng, passed away yesterday. The funeral will be held at the Mount Erskine Funeral parlor on May 3rd, Tuesday @ 12 noon. May he rest in peace always. If you are in Penang and can make it, do attend the funeral or pay your respects. If you cannot be there, do say a prayer for him.

I have written three posts about Beng:

September 30th 2010 Beyond Words and Understanding Is...

February 13th 2011 Specially for Beng

Febraury 14th 2011 Update About Beng

I am deeply saddened but in a way happy that he has gone to a better place. I know he was suffering in pain towards the end of his days but he soldiered on bravely, emailing me whenever he had the strength to do so.

To be honest, I have never met Beng. I wanted to meet up with him just to say 'hi' but he remained elusive. In many ways, he touched my heart with his courage, humor and strength even when facing death. I doubt I can be as brave or as strong as he was. I know I would feel even worse if I had met him before. As it is, I am very very sad by his passing, most regretful that I never had a chance to shake his hand to say, "Hi Beng...I am Paula...pleased to meet you." And now, I will have to wait until we can meet in the sweet bye and bye.

I just want to thank all readers including Angela (who has been a pillar of strength to Beng), Stanley Goh, Ahoo, Linda, Edward, Javine, SK Tio, Mr Krishnan, Encik Ismail and all who reached out to Beng to share words of encouragement and support to him. Thanks to Jun Chong for letting me know about Beng's demise and funeral arrangements. She told me that to the very last, Beng remained cheerful, wanting to have a last drink with his mates.

Frankly, death is a very painful word to me. Yet, as I grow older and approach the end of the tunnel, I have learnt to be thankful for small mercies and little gifts from heaven above in the form of beautiful friendships.

Beng will always remain in my heart as well as the rest of you who have in one way or another, left footprints in my heart.

Take care, dear reader. Cherish life and treasure the moments.

2 comments to Obituary - Beng

  1. says:

    Stanley Goh Goodbye to Beng, who started off as a stranger to whom I offered advice & sent reading materials which I hope might help him.

    Through him I am also fortunate to get to know nice people like Paula & Angela & many other people who pracitcally felt the pain Beng was undergoing.

    Beng you started as a stranger but in the end you were just I friend whom I did not have a chance to meet.

    To all friends out there, appreciate what you have and count your Blessings when you read what Beng wrote somewhere in Mar. 2011.

    To all my loved ones., I am so sorry to take so long for me to respond and keep you informed after my 6 months survival rate which has surpassed over 2 weeks already. Honestly, it has been a hard fight luckily I survive... I did not win the battle, in fact the war has just begun and I can feel it and I am losing a lot of strength during the first 6 months!! I am now too weak to write but always read all your mails and please forgive my silence. Best wishes to all at heart....sawbanbeng*

    May God Bless Our Beloved friend, Beng

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stanley

    I am sorry for this late response to your comment which is beautiful that it really moved me. Thank you for your kindness to Beng and the compassion you showed him. Your caring and considerate nature is indeed an inspiration.

    We are blessed to know you!

    Take care and may God bless you and yours always.

    Best wishes

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